Far from exactly where i am.


Earthenware, Paint, Wax, Epoxy, Concrete, Birch Ply, Glaze

Strangely, i hate where i am, but love who iā€™m becoming.

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Where it began was fine, good actually.

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I am far closer from where i thought i was.

But once it comes the next, next is, a loophole in time.

Far from exactly where i am.

Its funny how you can be so far from the place you're already in,

Far from exactly where i am.

A familiar place but my soul is longing for the next,

If it's lucky.

Strangely, i hate where i am, but love who i'm becoming.

Wait i said that backwards,

I'm becoming who i am but hate where it came from.

Where it began was fine, good actually,

But things don't stay good practically.  

If three is a crowd and two is company then one is alone,

Learning a new reality. 

Its funny how close the next is, 

But once it comes the next, next is,

A loophole in time.

Catching water with your hand as it slips through your fingers and falls to the sand.

Never really gripping onto what was before the next.

The now was next before it was next,

A loophole in time.

I am far closer from where i thought i was,

But still not who i thought i am.

- Austin Coudriet